For questions about special permission or pre-reqs: please click here.
General Questions
Do I need to fill out any forms to declare a major or minor? Not for the French Department. You may need to for your school or college.
What 420 courses count for the minor? The Minor in French (420) is comprised of at least six (6) 3-credit courses beyond second semester French. All 420 courses above 128 (Introductory French) may be counted towards the minor.
Can I take both 215 and 217? Or 216 and 218? 217 and 218 are the Honors equivalent to 215 and 216. You cannot take both 215 and 217 or 216 and 218.
For advising hours: please click here.
Do you accept auditors? It depends on the course, the instructor, and the reason. Please e-mail the Undergraduate Director with the name of the course, course number, and reason for your request.
I am a senior and majoring (or minoring) in French. Are all of my courses in order? We urge you to contact the department in the spring of your junior year to check if you are meeting major or minor requirements. Do not wait until your senior year. The first step is to check degree navigator. Then, e-mail the Undergraduate Director to set up an appointment to come in.
Questions About Course Offerings, Instructors, & Books
What courses are you offering next semester? We post our list of courses one week before registration begins. Please see our website under courses.
Can I have the name of the instructor teaching a course? We do not provide instructor names before the start of the semester because the schedule often changes. Please see the online schedule of classes for the most up-to-date information.
How can I find out what books will be required for a course? We order our books through the Rutgers University Bookstore, in New Brunswick. To find out what books are required, please go to the bookstore website under textbooks and check our course description section.
Do you offer summer courses in French? Yes. Please contact the Rutgers Summer Session office for the most up-to-date information.
Questions About Transfer Credit
If you are a transfer student, or doing study abroad through another institution: Contact the Undergraduate Director and make an appointment to come in. Bring as much course information as possible: syllabus, course description, program brochure, etcetera. Where appropriate, we will approve course equivalencies for transfer credit.
Can you provide a course syllabus so I can get it approved by my home university? Yes. Contact the Undergraduate Director, with the name of the course, course number, and reason for your request.
I took an AP course in high school. What score is required to get course credit? An AP course with a score of 4 or 5 will be granted course credit, and replaces French 210 in terms of major/minor requirements.
Questions About Specific Courses & Programs
Does French 102 or 132 have a lab? If you take either course in the fall, there is no lab. If you take either one in the spring, then yes, there is a lab.
What is French 105? This course allows students to acquire a reading knowledge of French as quickly as possible. It is taught in English.
Do I have to take 200-level courses in consecutive order? Only 213 and 214 need to be taken in consecutive order.
Does Intermediate French count towards the major and minor? Intermediate French courses (420:131 and 420:132, or 420:137) may be counted towards the major and minor.
How many 200-level courses are required for the minor? You need to take at least two 200-level electives taught in French, including one of the following: 215, 216, 217, 218.
Do I need to take both 215 and 216 to complete minor requirements? Taking both 215/217 and 216/218 is recommended but not required for the minor. You must take one of the following: 215, 216, 217, 218.
How many upper-level electives are required for the minor? Two electives at the 300-level or above are required (taught in English or French).
For the Living & Learning course (420:297, 298), do I need a special permission number? Yes. This course is reserved to French Living and Learning Community residents. Please e-mail the Undergraduate Director.
Can I do more than one semester of independent study? Yes.
For information about the Certificate of Basic Knowledge (or other certificate programs): please click here.