Undergraduate Advising
The French placement test helps advisors determine your skill level in French and the appropriate course level for you. You are required to take the placement test to receive credit if you have two years or more of High School French or two semesters of college-level French. *If for any reason you have trouble registering for any course you wish or need to take, please contact Undergraduate Director,
Our undergraduate advisors can help you identify the course offerings that best meet your learning needs. We will be happy to help you plan your major or minor (kindly schedule an advising appointment at your convenience). In the three weeks leading up to course registration in the Fall and Spring, we provide special advising hours to help you plan your major, minor or certificate of proficiency.
Frequently Asked Questions Link
Note: You will get the most out of advising if you do the following:
- Write down some careers you are considering.
- Look at the requirements for your college, and the French major or minor.
- Are there any courses that might meet both sets of requirements?
- Make a list of these courses, and any questions you may have.
To make an appointment with a SAS advisor or for general advising: SAS Undergraduate Advising
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