Some courses require special permission and/or have pre-requisites (pre-reqs).  These are listed in the online schedule of classes and on our website under courses.

If webreg is not allowing you to register for a course, it could be for any of these reasons:

  • you need a special permission number (SPN) because the class is filled
  • you need a special permission number (SPN) because the course requires it
  • you do not have the necessary pre-req for the course
  • the course conflicts with other courses you have on your schedule because of the day/time period when it meets
  • there is a financial hold on your registration
  • some other reason

If you are having trouble registering for a course, and you think you could be eligible for a special permission number or a pre-req override, please e-mail the undergraduate administrator
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the information below.  Include any special circumstances in the e-mail.

  • your name
  • your e-mail
  • your RU ID number
  • the name of the course
  • six-digit course number & section number
  • five-digit index number