PhD student in French Language and Literature, Rutgers University, USA
Master of Arts in French literature, University of Tehran, Iran
Master of Arts in French Translation, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Iran
Bachelor of Arts in French Language and Literature, Bu-Ali Sina University, Iran
Fields of Research
Contemporary literature, Epistemocriticism, Geocriticism, Theatrical studies, 18th century literature, Stylistics
Alavi, F., Mozaffari, N. Les Matraqueurs du Varazil by Gholam Hossein Saedi, reflet du théâtre de l’absurde, “Research in French Language and Literature”, Review of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of the University of Tabriz, Vol. 10, ed. 18 , December 2016, pages 15-32.
The notions of Theatre of the Absurd in the plays of Gholam Hossein Saedi, oral presentation, 1st International Colloquium on Comparative Literature, Ferdowsi University, Iran, 2016.
Author meeting with Maylis de Kerangal as part of the Francophone Literature Day, presenter, Webinar organized by the French Embassy in Iran with the collaboration of the University of Tehran, April 2021.
Le traitement du non-dit historique des harkis dans l’œuvre d’Alice Zeniter et de Dalila Kerchouche, une approche épistémocritique, oral presentation, Rutgers University graduate research symposium, USA, Spring 2023.